Update on pre-schoolers
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Our 9 beneficiaries, who were enrolled into our First Contact Place for Pre-Shool last year, are working hard to finish their studies to join basic school in September 2022.
Our Social workers (Pre-School Class Teachers) agree that the children have made progress within the 10 months they have been in Rays of Hope Centre (RoHC). "They have advanced most in Maths. When they arrived some even didn't know how to write numbers," said Ms. Amegashitsi.
Now pre-schoolers can do addition, subtract, multiply, and divide. English is something they still need to practice. "In September 2021, most of them didn't know the alphabets, they hadn't been to school before. Now they can identify short words," commented Mr. Amadu.
The children have also learned to behave and communicate in society.
In August 2022, pre-schoolers will take the RoCH test and in September will enroll in a suitable Primary class.